8 Reasons Why Conference Organizers Need To Focus on VR Tech


Conference organizers work with companies and brands to develop unique, memorable guest experiences. But when was the last time to planned an event that exceeded your clients’ expectations?

It’s time you step out of the past and venture into the future of full-service management for conferences. And it all begins with virtual reality!

88 per cent of event planners hosted VR events in 2018. Get in on the ground floor of this booming trend to transform your business forever.

  • Allow attendees to connect with their customer audience
  • Promote networking among industry players
  • Secure a synergistic partnership

All you need is VR tech to drive high ROI for attendees and businesses. It’s a win-win situation for everybody.

Still not convinced? Here are ten reasons to embrace this sophisticated technology and change the way participants interact, attend, and market their businesses at your conferences:

1 – Help Attendees Interact and Connect

Every conference organizer worth his salt knows the benefit of effective networking. VR enhances the experience significantly by bringing participants together.

Immersive the participants in an experiential reality where they can feel and touch the experience rather than just attend the conference. With virtual reality, present topics that every attendee is interested in discussing in a fun, engaging way.

VR Tech

You can also present professional information in real-time so guests can skip the pleasantries and engage with other prospective clients/businesses.

2 – Let Your Creativity Loose 

There might be hundreds of professional conference organizers in your area. The inclusion of VR tech in your planning strategy is a good way to stand out from the competition.

Give brands and companies a platform to exhibit their innovative products in ways that attendees have never seen before. Arrange for a 360-degree interactive walkthrough of the tour online to reach a larger audience and present the products of exhibitors in more detail.

Try to throw VR glasses into the mix so participants can access more information about the products being showcased at your conference or the subject matter being discussed. Create an immersive experience to virtually bring products and ideas that are too small or too big for real-life demonstrations.

VR Tech

This is precisely what DMEXCO, the largest digital industry trade fair in Europe, did in 2019 to increase footfall and generate buzz in the industry.

3 – Increase Brand Awareness

The main reason why brands and businesses participate in conferences is to raise awareness and ROI. Businesses realize 300 to 500 per cent return when they invest in events.  So, ensure you are positioned to drive more than your fair share by implementing Virtual Reality Devices in Conferences.

Your VR setup will attract traffic to your event space by providing attendees with a fun, unique method to engage with businesses. Moreover, as every guest enjoys the VR experience, they will actively bring more attention to your conference.

To sweeten the pot, offer custom branding opportunities to organizations who want to remain front-and-centre of the attendees for the duration of the event. After all, virtual reality is not all fun and games; use it to promote companies that wish to be seen as tech-forward and innovative.

4 – Gamify the Experience

Many businesses think of conferences as a means to break the monotony of regular operations and adopt a more hands-on approach to transactions, networking, and visibility. Thanks to conference gamification, all this now becomes a lot more streamlined with the growing demand for innovative tech.

Add an interactive element to your conference by using facilitated games and leaderboards. VR introduces a host of entirely new creative interactions at conferences. Take your conference’s attendees on a scavenger hunt or set up a playful competition for participants to face-off in a virtual reality gaming experience.

VR Tech

The best part is that all the technology is readily available in the market. Simply ensure that it is up to scale for your conference management needs.

5 – Present Products in Action

Organizing a large scale conference requires sufficient space to accommodate everything, especially if the subject involves demonstrations and exhibitions. This means you have to pay extra to rent a venue space that can comfortably accommodate every panellist and guest.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could eliminate the space constraints? VR makes it possible! Now bring various large products into a single space virtually. Think of a viewing station where you can choose the product you want to view and see a 360-degree, life-size model. Or, take a virtual tour of a full-size manufacturing setup in action at event booths or demonstration rooms.

Virtual reality events need technologies that permit attendees to engage with products and services like never before.

6 – Level the Playing Field

If IKEA can successfully release a virtual reality experience to sell their products, you can expect businesses to put the technology to work for better conference experiences in the near future.

Virtual reality makes conferences more engaging and informative by giving attendees instant access to a business’ information via biographies and social apps. Knowing who’s who in the conference can be a big help for guests who don’t do too well in crowds.

8 Reasons Why Conference Organizers Need To Focus on VR Tech -

Similar to a high-end, informative name tag, virtual reality features improve collaboration among businesses in the conference as well.

As an advanced tool to access information anytime, anywhere, the business applications of VR promote better brainstorming and problem-solving during panels. What’s more, participants can connect guests to remote workers and dispersed office staff with VR technology for better networking.

7 – Exploit Fully Immersive VR Capabilities

Imagine you have to organize a conference on the other side of the country. While most arrangements are possible over text or call, some like venue planning requires you to travel onsite. The process becomes simpler when you employ VR features.

With the help of VR, you can explore interactive floor plans of venues you wish to use for organizing a conference across different areas. The best part? You do not have to leave your office.

In fact, some facilities under construction even offer virtual tours for what the fully built event space will look like. This makes it easier for you to contact vendors and event planners and discuss the setup by showing them the inside of the space.

Considering the growing popularity of VR education in India, US, UK, you should not have trouble finding a new addition to your conference organizer team. Look for somebody who knows how to utilize the best possibilities of VR tech in your work.

8 – Drive Event Traffic

Promoting an upcoming conference is hard work. Social media has become saturated and print media is hit-or-miss. Thankfully, VR presents a new channel for marketing your event.

All you need to do is adopt an app that drives event traffic. Apps like Google Cardboard and Google Daydream allow visitors to interact with branded conferences and booths in an entirely new way. Take advantage of elements like customizable games and educational pop-ups.

When you advertise these features before the conference, you can help drive ticket sales. After all, not many can resist something as unique as an interactive VR conference.

What’s Next?

Virtual reality conference planning is in high demand right now and will become more prominent as the potential of the technology is fully realized. 

Whether it’s a whole VR conference or a regular event with virtual reality elements, you stand to gain a lot from including the Latest VR Technology in your conference planning strategy. 

Don’t get left behind! Understand how VR fits into the next conference you are planning and create an unforgettable experience for the guests.

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